When was the last time you cleaned your couch?
No, hastily dusting off the crumbs from your bag of chips doesn’t count. Just like leaving the bathroom without washing your hands, leaving your couch sticky from all the snacks is just……
Nano-coating has been a game changer, especially within the textile industry.
As we continue to discover ways to make things last longer, we should also practice good habits that help with it. That seemingly innocent spill, and leftover crumbs under…
Are there times when you regret purchasing a couch online without testing it out first? Or even times when it felt right at the store, but after purchasing it and setting it up at home, you realise that your new couch is…
Is it really time to throw away your sofa or could replacement couch covers soft the problem? Can you actually save the comfortable sofa that has kept you company and gave you security for all the time you’ve spent together?
The couch…
Should you go down the route of reupholstering your couch? What is the average cost to reupholster a couch and what are the alternatives?
The sofa struggle is real, but we’re here to help. Read on for all the answers, approximate prices…
“How hard is it to put a slipcover on?”
Newsflash: It actually isn’t. While the process may seem intimidating, it’s one of those things that you do once and will never forget (even if you wanted to). Personally, I remember sitting…