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Should you reupholster your Pottery Barn sofa?

Feeling overwhelmed and angsty trying to figure out what to do with that oft-used and well-loved Pottery Barn sofa of yours?

You’re not alone; this is a crossroads many furniture owners arrive at when they alas notice their comfortable couch is looking a bit too “comfortable.” Or, they’re a bit tired of looking at the same sofa for the last five years and are ready for something fresh and new.

The decision of whether to go all out with a new sofa purchase or hold out by reviving the one you have with new upholstery is not an easy one.

We hope to make your life (and this decision) a tad easier by posing things to consider when thinking of reupholstering your sofa, whether you have the PB Basic Sofa or another style.

Question #1: Do you like your sofa enough to keep it for years to come?  

When you buy a new sofa, you instantly enter a long-term relationship that can often be financially difficult to leave.

With the typical mid-range sofa lasting 7-15 years and costing $1000-$2000, replacing the one you bought after only a few years can be challenging to justify. If the upholstery is worn and the sofa used daily by your active family or by oft-present guests, it would seem like a logical choice. 

However, is the upholstery still good and you’ve simply grown tired of looking at your long-term companion and desire something new and different? 

If the sofa serves you well in comfort and function, and you like the style enough, keeping it and replacing the upholstery would prove worthwhile and possibly cost-effective.

But, if you aren’t feeling your current sofa on any level, it’s time to float the idea of getting yourself a new one. A mere aesthetic revamp isn’t going to keep you interested in the long term. The issues you have with your sofa will come up once the magic of the makeover wears off. 

Question #2: Does it have strong, sturdy bones?

If your sofa has a rickety frame, creaky springs and/or a sagging center, the answer to this question is no, and a new upholstery job can’t save it. In this situation, it is not advisable to invest in keeping it. 

Your sofa may be in tip-top condition and is still firm, springy, without sag, and has 5-10 years of use left in it. If so, then it possesses a world of possibilities for rejuvenation through covering with new fabric or leather

7 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself If You’re Thinking Of Reupholstering Your Pottery Barn Sofa

Question #3: Is the sofa a good fit for your current space and the way you live?  

Did you get your current sofa home and realize it didn’t suit your space in size or shape? Or, perhaps you chose a three-seater sofa when your big family would have benefited from a sectional?

If any of these areas is at issue for you, you will want to determine if re-upholstery is going to serve you as well as possibly buying a new sofa that fits your space and requirements ideally.

Question #4: Are you willing to splurge on reupholstery?  

Depending upon the type of upholstery fabric, sofa details such as tufting or piping, and the expertise of the upholsterer you choose, re-upholstery can get expensive.

Other things that will add to the cost of the re-upholstery are replacement of cushion cores and fortifying the sofa back with padding or down. 

Often, it can cost the same or more than the original sofa. You’ll certainly have to determine if you love your current sofa enough to invest in it for a longer-term. 

Question #5: Are you willing to live without your sofa for a month or longer?  

Many upholsterers will have you drop the sofa off and keep it for anywhere from several weeks to several months. We’ve even heard horror stories of customers waiting as long as a year to get their reupholstered sofas back. 

For an active family or for those whose sofas are their go-to relaxation spot, being without their couch can disrupt daily life and cause stress and worry. Can you live without your sofa for a month or more?

Question #6: Have you found an upholstery fabric you can’t live without?  

If you’ve been considering reupholstering your pottery barn sofa for a while, you may have already been on the hunt for the perfect upholstery. Maybe you found the perfect colour or pattern and are set on using it to make over your current sofa. 

7 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself If You’re Thinking Of Reupholstering Your Pottery Barn Sofa

Did you answer “yes” to all the questions above?

If you answered “yes” to the questions above, then reupholstering your current sofa sounds like the only way to go. Or is it? 

Question #7: Have you considered slipcovers as an alternative to reupholstery?  

As an owner of a Pottery Barn sofa, you’ll be able to to find slipcovers specifically made for PB sofas that will save you a ton of money, time and worry in a number of ways:

  1. Slipcovers cost a fraction of re-upholstery or buying new.
  2. You can order a new set of slipcovers for a fresh look whenever you feel like it. You’re never stuck with one fabric the way you are with upholstery.
  3. You keep your sofa while waiting for delivery of your new slipcovers —you won’t have to pine away for your sofa that has been at the upholsterer for what seems like forever. 
  4. You can try out a fabric before you buy — run it under water, smear it with ketchup, rub it on your cat (or dog), leave it under the sun for a couple of days — and then pick the fabric you love the most.
7 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself If You’re Thinking Of Reupholstering Your Pottery Barn Sofa

In fact, you can order fabric samples and have them sent to your doorstep right here:

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