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Did you know our fabric samples can be used as coasters?

Just a quick update for you guys, we thought we’d share this handy tip that you can do with our fabric samples.

Some of you are probably already doing it like so:

That’s right, they make pretty good coasters! As we always recommend grabbing a pack of samples before you order (colour and texture on a screen isn’t quite as in real life), you’re bound to have quite a few of our samples lying around and it would be a waste to throw them away.

Arguably there are definitely many other creative ways, such as making a quilt out of the many samples.

So give the coaster a try and see how it works for you 🙂

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  • by Karen
    Posted May 5, 2019 8:51 AM

    Ohh that’s a good idea! I’m trying to waste less. As I was clicking the link I also thought maybe they can be used for bean bags toys for baby to play with?

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