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How to easily repair faded leather

If you’ve owned a leather item for years, be it a wallet, purse or sofa, it’s most likely fading or becoming discoloured by now. Daily use, exposure to sun and also our body oils can cause leather to fade.

While the leather item is still very much functional, perhaps you would like it to look more presentable than how it currently is.

Here is an easy way to repair faded or discoloured leather with leather spray paint.

What you’ll need:

  • Leather spray paint of your choice
  • Fabric conditioner
  • Sponge
faded leather wallet
Image: Pexels

Before we begin, do note that manufacturers mix different colours in order to get the exact shade of leather for the items. It’s hard to replicate the original colour especially when we’re doing it on our own. Hence, we suggest to spray a darker colour on the whole item for a more even look. It might not look the same anymore, but at least the fading patches are covered and the leather item is completely restored. 

Step 1
With the leather spray colour of your choice, spray about 1 foot away from the leather to avoid blotches. Apply a thin coat first, and let it dry.

leather spray paint
Image: Amazon

Step 2
Once that’s dry, you can layer on with another thin coat. Continue doing so until you’ve achieved the darkness that you desire.

Step 3
Once everything is completely dry, apply a layer of leather conditioner with a sponge to give it that shine.

And that’s how you repair faded leather easily.

Is your leather not only faded but full of scratches too? Take a look at how you can fix scratches on your leather couch with these 5 simple methods.

Fix leather scratches

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  • by hanzo
    Posted October 7, 2022 10:14 AM

    does this work on leather sofa?

    • by Mira
      Posted October 11, 2022 1:34 PM

      Hi Hanzo, it sure does! Feel free to let us know how it works on your leather sofa 😊

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