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Keep your home cool this summer

Concerned about the extreme weather lately? There’s no denying that global warming plays a big part in the extreme weather changes, what with the recent heat waves affecting Asian countries drastically. With the Pacific Northwest now also being put under a heat advisory, it’s important for us to be mindful of ways we can cope in spite of these intense changes. Here are some recommendations you can incorporate in your home this summer to keep your home cool:


  1. Draw those curtains and work on natural air circulation
  2. Opt for evaporative cooling
  3. Invest in a portable air conditioner
  4. Add natural, breathable fabrics to your home
  5. Stay cool while being mindful

Draw those curtains and work on natural air circulation

The first and perhaps easiest step is to cool down your house as best you can naturally. Now’s a good time as any to put your blinders and curtains to full use. Keep windows closed and draw your curtains during the day, especially around parts of the house that get the most direct sunlight. Once it gets cooler at night, open your windows to allow cool air to come in and circulate around the house. Then make sure to close your windows the next morning once it starts getting hot again. Repeat this cycle to keep your home as naturally cool as possible.

Image credit: Unsplash

Opt for evaporative cooling

Want to cool down the house, minus the help of A/C? A well-known trick is to hang wet towels in a room that requires some extra cooling. Just soak a few towels in cold water, wring them out, and hang them either in front of an open window or on a drying rack. The evaporation process will help to cool down your room naturally. This process is also known as evaporative cooling.

Image credit: Unsplash

Tip: Make sure your room is also well-ventilated to avoid mould from forming due to the moisture in the air.

Invest in a portable air conditioner

If you don’t have central A/C where you live, the next best option is to invest in a portable air conditioner (PAC). After doing some research, we’ve found that the Midea Duo 12,000 BTU (10,000 BTU SACC) HE Inverter Ultra Quiet Portable Air Conditioner is a great choice because it can intake and exhaust air outdoors while also using less electricity than other PACs in the market.

The unique hose-in-hose setup allows efficient and balanced air circulation indoors. Aside from using less energy, it’s also one of the quieter options out there going as low as 42dB. The wi-fi module allows you to sync it with your Alexa or Google Assistant too, which is great if you have a smart home. All you need to do is download the Midea app!

Add natural, breathable fabrics to your home

Choosing the right fabrics for your home furniture can go a long way for you and your family during hot spells. For example, linen and cotton both have thermoregulating properties that can absorb moisture well and assist in helping the body dispel heat throughout the day.

Image credit: Comfort Works

Check out our hypoallergenic collection for all-natural linens, cottons and blends that are great for your sofas. An added plus is that they carry the Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX certification, making them perfect for those with allergies or skin sensitivities, making these fabrics a comfortable choice suitable for everyone.

These fabrics are also durable and easily washable so they’re a practical everyday choice that’s great for the summer. They range from budget-friendly to luxurious choices that are perfect for your home.

Stay cool while being mindful

Though staying cool is part of the plan, it’s important to also be mindful of our electrical consumption during this time. Did you know that straining the electrical grid could lead to blackouts and brownouts? These strains happen when many households overuse electric devices, something that’s prone to happen with these extreme changes in weather.

Image credit: Unsplash

Do your part in helping by switching off artificial lighting when possible and turning off any electric devices that aren’t in use. Consider taking advantage of the heat to air-dry dishes instead of using a dishwasher or use your dishwasher/dryer at night when energy demand is lower. Make sure to also schedule maintenance for your A/C regularly for maximum energy saving.

The U.S. Dept. of Energy also recommends using cost-effective and cooler lighting options such as LED lights to reduce electricity usage.

Though the extra warm weather can definitely make things more challenging, we hope that you can stay cool, safe and healthy this summer!

Prefer to be lounging out in the heat? We have the perfect summer couch covers for that – The Summer Vibes Collection. They can withstand the sun, unfazed by your party food and drinks and are skin-friendly too.

Lounge in the sun with your sofa

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