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8 bedroom lighting ideas that’ll help you sleep better

Look up pictures of bedrooms and they’re almost always bright and filled with natural light – not the best kind of light to fall asleep to.

They may look good in photographs, but they don’t tell you what the room looks like during the most important time of the day: When you’re getting ready to go to sleep. 

Setting the right mood prior to your bedtime is vital to allow you to sleep better. Think about it: You already know it’s bad for sleep quality if you use your smartphone right before bed.

Similarly, too-harsh lighting in the bedroom can trigger your body to feel more awake than it should be.

The key to calming bedroom lighting? Keep it warm and dim. To do this, try investing in a light dimmer. This way, you won’t have to compromise on brightness while still being able to set the right mood before bedtime. 

Skip the fluorescents and ceiling lights too – read on for better bedroom lighting ideas that’ll lull you right to sleep.

1. Recessed lighting for a muted look.

Recessed lighting creates softer, less light, which is great for creating a relaxed mood in the bedroom.

Plus, it can also serve as a statement piece in your room without you having to add more items (read: clutter) to your space.

2. Wall sconces for personal time at night.

Getting a good night’s sleep can be difficult if you and your partner don’t have similar sleeping times.

To make life more harmonious, try investing in wall sconces on each side of the bed that the both of you can use without waking the other up.

3. Try table lamps for ambient light.

If wall sconces aren’t possible, then opt for table lamps on each side of the bed. Dim them when bedtime is approaching or when you want to stay up late reading.

4. Pendant lights for a chic bedroom update.

If you still can’t do without ceiling lights, opt for pendant lighting with a dimmer. It’s still overhead, but isn’t direct lighting so it isn’t harsh the way a fluorescent bulb would be.

5. Statement lighting that calms the senses.

Make a statement with a piece that has gorgeous aesthetic value, like this beautifully-designed piece.

Look for chic designs to really make a statement in your bedroom. Just because it’s calming, doesn’t mean it has to look boring.

6. Combine lighting for greater effect.

Love statement ceiling lighting as well as wall sconces? Have the best of both worlds, especially with lovely pieces like these.

The chandelier lighting will be great for the earlier part of the night when you still like your room slightly brighter, while the wall sconces will make for a more calming ambience closer to bedtime.

7. Consider floor lamps.

Standing floor lamps are a great way to introduce ambient lighting into your room without investing in built-in ceiling lamps.

They’re especially suited for those of us who live in a rental home and aren’t able to modify the existing light fixtures.

8. Go for hidden lights in the ceiling.

Nobody likes staring at bright, harsh lights, especially in the bedroom.

Luckily, hidden recessed lighting can solve this issue. This option will need some renovation, but the payoff is well worth it. 

Need more lighting ideas for your home?

You can find them in our free Timeless Living: How To Design A Classy IKEA-Inspired Home ebook here:

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