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DIY wall decor with my kids’ drawings

Before I know it, it’s Fall season already and I’m starting to look for activities for my kids to do.

While thinking about that, I also had a home decor task to work on. For the longest time, I had no idea what to do with my wall. Sure, I had a few statement pieces that I bought on impulse hung up on my wall but as I changed my decor and interior style, they don’t really reflect my home anymore.

So I turned to the internet for inspiration and I came across an idea I love, where moms turn their kids’ drawings into pieces that can be hung up as beautiful DIY wall decor.

Inspired by that idea, I planned out a fun weekend with my children to unleash their creativity.

I bought a few art blocks and brought out the watercolours, marker pens and crayons we have at home, then asked them to paint whatever they wanted to on the papers. Our son, being the elder one, had more of an idea of what he wanted to paint and thus came up with some form of characters. On the other hand, our younger daughter needed more of a guidance, so I helped her with her drawings.

After a couple of spilled watercolour paints and crayon streaks on the table and sofa, we got our DIY wall decor.


As much as I feel proud because the kids unleashed their creativity, the aftermath wasn’t the best sight to see. Crayons were scattered around the table and floor; watercolour stains can be seen on the table and sofa.

Read also: How to easily remove ink stains from your couch

It’s moments like these that I’m grateful for our slipcovers that protect our furniture from the aftermath of activities like this!

As it got closer to Fall, I had the urge to change up the slipcovers as part of my Fall decor. Inspired by some of the influencers’ Fall decor tips, I decided to bring the Fall vibes into our home as well.

The slipcover I chose for this Fall is none other than the Comfort Chenille Cream. I’m more inclined to pick neutrals, just because that’s my liking. What I like about it is that the Comfort Chenille is really soft and comfortable to sit on, which really suits the cooler season. The fact that it’s machine-washable also helps so much, especially for this fall activity with my kids. Plus, the wrinkle-free feature means I don’t have to constantly iron the sofa covers.


All in all, I’m really happy with my kids DIY Fall project. The fact that they get to work on their creativity and for me to make a masterpiece out of it – that’s just amazing.

I am super happy with how my home feels right now and I really hope you get inspired by this too.

Let me know how it goes!

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