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These IKEA hacks will help you get organised like a pro

Clutter can be a tricky thing to deal with. Its 50% junk, 50% things you’ll probably only use once or twice a year, and 100% a pain to deal with.

Wish there was a simple IKEA hack that could make your clutter go away?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Instead of just giving you the best tips on how to purge your house of clutter. We thought that it would be more helpful to show you how you can reduce the ways you’re actually accumulating clutter in the first place.

So to help you achieve your most organized life, we’ve put together our favorite IKEA hacks to help you get started:

From the windows, to the walls

It’s time to rethink that empty space on your wall.

Though most people would normally think about hanging up some art or wall decoration to fill the space, some brilliant IKEA hackers have found a more practical use for bare walls.

With an affordable bed slat from IKEA and a couple of S- hooks, Kristina from ICHDesigner has turned her empty wall into a usable space to store toiletries, kitchenware, and other miscellaneous items at home.

By securing two mounting hooks onto the wall and letting the IKEA bed slat hang from it. Kristina used a couple of S-hooks to hang things up like a small storage basket, a few clipboards, and even a lamp.

Some hot hacks.

While we’re still on the topic of using bare walls, check out how Emelyn from Apocketofrainbows IKEA-hacked a couple of plain picture ledges and turned them into a beautiful spice rack!

Even though IKEA does in fact sell spice racks specifically, Emelyn still needed something that was more space efficient and also something that could accommodate for their huge selection of hot sauces.

Sugar, spice, and everything kept nicely

Speaking of spice racks, these are some other ways of using the BEKVAM spice rack to help create more storage solutions for your home.

Look at how this IKEA hack turned an affordable and simple spice rack into a neat little children’s book display.

With just a touch of paint, these spice racks could easily be mistaken for a couple of neat little suspended shelves.

The BEKVAM spice racks also hold two rows of nail polish quite nicely — making it suitable for not just children books, but for makeup, nail polish, and other tiny trinkets that could be stored and organized as well.

The key to a simpler life

For something we use practically every day, why do we keep misplacing our house/ car keys right before leaving for work?

We found this brilliant hack on IKEA’s very own website which uses a couple of magnetic knife racks by the doorway to help you store your keys as well as other miscellaneous objects that keep disappearing on you.

Not everything needs to be used for their intended purpose.

With just a simple magnetic knife rack mounted by the doorway, you won’t ever need to worry about misplacing your keys ever again.

Reduce, reuse, and reorganize

Check out how this IKEA hack helped organize all sorts of home cleaning supplies with just a couple of affordable VARIERA Plastic bag dispensers.

The VARIERA’s hard plastic structure enables it to hold up all your cleaning tools nicely, and its porous design can also be utilized to hang those awkwardly shaped spray bottles you have hidden under your sink.

Time for more storage, are you down?

There’s so much storage potential in an unused empty space on your wall. But what about an unused empty space underneath your furniture?

When it comes to finding ways to maximize storage space, no stone can be left unturned. Or in this case, no furniture left unturned.

There’s more un-utilized space underneath your furniture than you might think. Which is precisely why we love this IKEA hack by Faith on Curbly.

Faith managed to latch 2 picture frames together and added some wheels underneath them to make a pull out drawer that fits nicely underneath her bed.

You’ve got mail

Mail is a common source of clutter for most homes.

Having a mix of bills, coupons, junk mail, and personal letters all jammed together in a little mailbox can certainly be annoying.

Which is why Kazmataz from Instructables decided to do something about it with a couple of IKEA magazine racks.

This IKEA hack turns a couple of magazine racks into a streamlined mail organizer simply by turning them over and attaching them underneath a suspended shelf.

Problem solved!

Now the fun part

If you’ve loved these IKEA hacks as much as we have and can’t get enough of them, we made a post on 7 Fresh and Fun Home Design Hacks that will definitely satisfy your home hacking itch.

Now that you finally have an organized and decluttered home— the real fun can begin.

Still looking for more ideas and design inspiration? Check out our free IKEA lookbook to help you take your space to the next level with some simple and easy home decorating tips.

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