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How to pick the perfect white colour for your home

We’re convinced that people who don’t love white walls simply haven’t found the perfect white shade for their homes.

Previously, we gave you reasons to paint your walls white. We even showed you how to to keep your white couches clean.

Now, we’ve prepared a super simple 101 on how to pick the perfect white for your home.

Let’s jump in.

Understand undertones.

Hold on, we hear you say. Aren’t all whites the same?

Not at all.

Like all other shades, whites come in a variety of tones. No two shades of white are the same, which is why picking the perfect white is important to make your home look warm instead of clinical. 

Some whites have a blue or purple undertone, making it a cooler-toned white. On the other end of the spectrum, white shades with yellow undertones will make it a warm-toned white.

Read on to find out which type to use for your home.

Think of the other pieces of furniture in a room.

It’s easier to change the colour of the walls than the existing furniture in your room, so put the latter into consideration.

Are most of your furniture pieces in cool shades of green, purple, and blue? Or are they in warm shades such as brown, yellow, and orange? 

If it is the former, then opt for a cool-toned shade of white, and for the latter, a warm-toned shade of white.

Should your home have predominantly neutral-coloured pieces of furniture and decor, a safe bet is to stick with warm-toned whites.

What’s the light like?

Does your home have plenty of natural light or very little?

If your home has an abundance of natural light, you’re one of the lucky few who can pull off a pure white on your walls. Otherwise, stick to a shade of white with pigments that complement the other pieces of furniture in your home.

Another lighting factor to consider is the place you live in.

Different parts of the world have different shades of natural light. For example, the light in New York veers towards a warm and grey tone, while the light in Miami has an orange tone. 

As for artificial lighting, think of the colours of your existing light bulbs. Do they have cool or warm tones?

It’s important to remember that white reflects light, meaning that any colour cast on the white walls will amplify the tone of your walls.

For example, a cool-toned bulb will make the walls look cooler, while the opposite is the same with warm-toned artificial lighting.

Think of the finish.

Sure, flat-finished walls of matte or eggshell might look extremely chic.

However, it’s important to think of the other house occupants. Do you have pets or young children at home?

If the answer is yes, you might want to opt for a glossy or semi-gloss finish for easier clean-up.

No kids and no pets at home? Go forth and swathe your walls in a matte finish. 

Make large swatches.

You’ll be surprised at how different a small paint swatch can looks versus one that’s painted on a larger surface.

The key here is to paint as large of a swatch as you can in different parts of your home to see if it’s a great fit. 

Light differs from room to room, so you want to ensure that the white paint will consistently look good throughout your home. Try it on the walls and close to the ceilings for the truest match without painting your walls. 

Want more wallet-friendly decorating tips? Get them in our free Timeless Living: How To Design A Classy IKEA-Inspired Home ebook:

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