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Upgrade your home without wasting any money

Just like life, a little variety is good now and then for your home this is why we have home upgrades.

While a huge renovation costs a huge amount, you don’t have to break the bank to change the look of your home.

Here are 8 simple ways to upgrade your home without wasting any money:

1) Paint the walls

home upgrade
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

The quickest way to give your home a makeover is to paint the walls.

Giving your walls a fresh coat of paint can help cover up stains, spots, or uneven tones that may have appeared on the walls after a long time.

Take the opportunity to envision how you’d like the room to look like, and change the walls to your preferred colours. Just make sure that the paint job does not clash with your current furniture.

2) Decorative wallpaper

home upgrade
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

If the idea of painting the walls does not appeal to you, or if you are renting, you can consider decorative wallpaper.

Easy to attach and detach, decorative wallpaper can be changed to your liking too. Make sure to measure your wall’s length and width before you buy a self-adhesive decorative wallpaper, so that you have enough on hand.

3) Pressure-wash

It’s amazing how clean and new your home will look after pressure-washing certain areas. Tiles that have built up hard-to-scrub dirt in the crevices, or grime in the bathroom/ kitchen, can be easily removed with a pressure washer to blast away at the dirt.

Your home will look as good as new after that!

4) Declutter

As the great Marie Kondo says, things in your house should spark joy. It is easy for things to pile up after a while of living anywhere. Not all of them are pleasing to the eye or functional.

To upgrade your home easily, take a look around your house and start decluttering.  Separate piles into keep, donate, or throw.

By ridding your home of things which you do not need, your home already receives an upgrade of looking neater and tidier. You may be surprised at how much better your home will look once it is de-cluttered.

5) Decorate!

home upgrade
Photo by Huy Phan from Pexels

Another way to upgrade your house is to put decorative knick-knacks around the house. Of course, be careful that you do not create or add clutter.

One of the best ways to upgrade the look of a home is to add floating shelves to walls. Put plants or picture frames on them to spruce up the look of the room. This adds a touch of personality to the room too.

If you have a bit more to spare, the IKEA KALLAX shelves functions well to tidy up your belongings, and also allow you to display your decorations easily in your living room.  

Here’s more ways to decorate your home on a budget.

6) Paint kitchen cabinets/ shelves/ drawers/ doors

Photo by Tamil Hari from Pexels

Aside from painting your walls, you can also give your existing cabinets and shelves a complete makeover just by giving them a (or two) coat of paint.

Change the look of your kitchen completely by painting your cabinets a gorgeous navy blue, for example. If there are stains or spots that just simply won’t go away, painting your cabinets can cover them up as well.

Voila! The easiest upgrade for your kitchen is now done.

Doors can also be repainted to match the rest of the house. As you may be able to tell, colour changes can really upgrade the look of the entire house. All you need is good paint.

7) Update doorknobs and cabinet handles

In addition to painting, updating doorknobs and cabinet handles can also really give your home a difference look.

Doorknobs do not have to be boring. Some come with electronic pads for privacy, while others are painted or sculpted to add just that bit of detail to them. The same goes for cabinet handles as well.

Even if the detail seems very small, it is little details like this that spruce up your home when your guests notice them.

8) Get slipcovers

Photo by Jason Boyd from Pexels

Have a sofa that you do not want to throw out, but it’s just starting to look old and boring? Slipcovers will be the solution you seek.

A simple colour/ texture change can make your sofa look new again, which is definitely an upgrade for your home.

Change up the texture of your sofa to leather, velvet, linen or whichever tickles your fancy by getting fabrics from us to get started:

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