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IKEA Kivik sofa series – all Kivik Sofa Dimensions and Sizes

Quick post for those looking for the measurements on the IKEA KIVIK sofa series;

To those that’re mixing up the combination (eg. 1 seater + chaise + 1 seater), just add them width together. Hope this is handy to confirm your sofa size and measurements

KIVIK Two-seat sofa IKEA Generous seating series with a soft, deep seat and comfortable support for your back.
KIVIK Two-seat sofa measurements

Kivik 2 Seater Sofa

Width: 188 cm
Depth: 86 cm
Height: 62 cm

KIVIK Three-seat sofa-bed IKEA Generous seating series with a soft, deep seat and comfortable support for your back.
KIVIK Three-seat sofa-bed measurements

KIVIK Three seater sofa-bed

Width: 228 cm
Depth: 86 cm
Height: 62 cm

KIVIK One-seat section IKEA Generous seating series with a soft, deep seat and comfortable support for your back.
KIVIK One-seater

Kivik 1 Seater Sofa

Width: 90 cm
Depth: 86 cm
Height: 62 cm

KIVIK Chaise longue IKEA Generous seating series with a soft, deep seat and comfortable support for your back.
Kivik chaise lounge measurements

Kivik Chaise Lounge

Width: 90 cm
Depth: 163 cm
Height: 62 cm

KIVIK Two-seat sofa and chaise longue

KIVIK Two-seat sofa and chaise longue

Width: 280 cm
Depth: 163 cm
Height: 83 cm



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  • by Sykes
    Posted November 14, 2016 9:12 PM 0Likes

    I would like to order a slip cover for my KIVIK 3 seat sofa bed.
    Though, I get confused when I check dimensions on your website.

    On this link:
    Dimensions are:
    KIVIK Three seater sofa-bed
    Width: 245 cm
    Depth: 95 cm
    Height: 83 cm

    But on this link:
    Kivik Sofa Bed Dimensions:
    Width: 246cm, Depth: 86cm, Height: 60cm

    I have measured mine and this is what I find:
    Width: 245 cm
    Depth: 88 cm
    Height: 63 cm

    I have bought my Kivik in France In year 2010

    Wich one should I order ?

    Thank you

    • by Chuck
      Posted November 15, 2016 8:17 AM 0Likes

      Hey Sykes!

      Really sorry about the confusion and thanks for asking;

      Essentially it comes down to how you measure these items — the first few dimensions are actually of the sofa overall, but the second dimensions you provided are of the slipcover itself which is why they seem a lot smaller.

      As long as you have the Kivik sofa bed, ordering it from this link would be correct:

      Hope this helps!

  • by Duygu
    Posted January 6, 2017 12:34 AM 0Likes

    Do you know the dimensions of the frame?

    • by Chuck
      Posted January 6, 2017 9:10 AM 0Likes

      Hey Duygu,

      The measurements we’ve listed up are already of the overall frame sizes – was wondering what you may need these dimensions for and if you need anything specifically?

      We’ll try to help 🙂

  • by Kelly
    Posted February 9, 2017 8:17 AM 0Likes

    Do you know if the height dimensions include the back pillows? I’m wondering if I can get it down my stairs which are only 32inches wide.

    • by Chuck
      Posted February 9, 2017 8:59 AM 0Likes

      Hey Kelly!

      We took the dimensions off from IKEA so the height dimensions do include the back pillows 🙂

      Worst case scenario is that you can always move the cushions separately from the frame.

      Hope this helps!

  • by rob
    Posted February 24, 2017 9:28 AM 0Likes

    do you know the dimensions for the individual pieces of the kivik 3 seat sectional before assembly?

    I have more than enough room for the fully constructed unit but the stairs are the problem. They are narrow and have a sharp turn.

    IKEA only has the measurements for the packages they come in, not the pieces themselves. I’m wondering what the difference is between the two because it’s right on the line

    • by Chris
      Posted February 24, 2017 10:55 AM 0Likes

      Hey Rob,

      Is that the 2+3? The packages are pretty much the same size as the frame piece, just minus off 1cm for the cardboard.


  • by Ali
    Posted June 11, 2017 12:03 AM 0Likes


    I have a Kivik loveseat sofa. Could it be connected to a kivik Corner Section?

    • by Chuck
      Posted June 12, 2017 10:29 AM 0Likes

      Sure it can Ali!

      A corner section from IKEA is sold with the Corner Unit + 2 Seater by default. If you have a Loveseat sofa, combining them together would mean you’ll get a 2+2 sectional 🙂

      Hope this helps!

      • by Raegon
        Posted July 4, 2019 2:59 AM 0Likes

        Hello! I realize this is a very old Post but was hoping you would be able to help. You said the kivik corner is sold with the 2 seat sofa by default. So we can not buy the corner and say (2) 3 seat sofa ends without purchasing the 2 seat sofa with the corner?

        Thank you in advance. This post has been very helpful.

        • by Chuck
          Posted July 4, 2019 11:26 AM 0Likes

          Hey Raegon,

          If memory serves me correctly that’s unfortunately the default way IKEA sells it, but I personally don’t see why they can’t split it and sell just the corner so you can purchase 2 x 3-seat sofa ends. A 2+3 corner sectional definitely exists, but I think it’s best you check with IKEA on whether a 3+3 is possible or not 🙂

          Hope this helps!

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