Now, we all know we’re not supposed to be eating, drinking, doing paperwork or letting our dogs get up on the sofa (according to house rules).
But before you know it, you’ve spilled wine on your couch and there’s a large pee…
Do you ever find yourself staring at your stained, well-worn fabric sofa, wishing you knew how to give it a good, thorough clean?
We dive into the 6 top ways to clean your fabric sofa – and it should look as good…
Do you sometimes stand and look around the house, wishing you could change something to just give it a simple refresh?
Also, without breaking the bank.
Introducing our new Everyday Weave sofa slipcovers, made from a chemical-free fabric that’s durable yet affordable.…
You probably came here to know how to get that musky, familiar yet unpleasant dog smell out of your couch.
We’ve all been there. Whether you’ve got a new puppy who still needs to be potty trained or a doggo who likes…