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Redecorate your IKEA Ektorp 3-seater sofa for a new look

It’s that time of year again, and we’ve got that old room feel to our office. So a few of us decided to see if we could mix things up easily. Here’s what we tried, without changing the IKEA Ektorp 3-seater’s custom slipcovers (in Nomad Grey). After all, the IKEA Ektorp sofa is a timeless piece with great comfort, let’s make it even better.

First there was this Scandi-minimalist. Plain grey with plain white throws give it a classy look, offset with greenery and a staid black lamp.

And then we thought, what could we do if we just swapped out the throw pillows? Would it change everything?

Well yes. Changing up the throw pillows helped a lot by giving the Ektorp 3-seater sofa a bit more character. We also played around with moving the lamp / tree.

But it wasn’t quite enough. So we tried adding back some greenery and a cute coffee table:

Before above, after below:

We didn’t really like it and felt that coffee table was a bit imbalanced compared to the sofa. Also we had a bit of a colour war here between the Democratic Eclectic / Rave Party and the HEtero-coloured Republic Party. Basically half of us wanted to go back to the mono-coloured white cushions. So we compromised.

And then the Eclectic Party overthrew the Establishment and we ended on this:

All in all, this was a lovely way to spend a Friday afternoon, and we hope that you’ve gotten some inspiration as to how you can re-think your sofa. If you liked our Nomad Grey custom Ektorp sofa cover set, find out what other fabric styles we offer on our website.

Give your Ektorp a new look

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